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Rehabilitation guidelines for MPFL (Medial Patello-femoral Ligament Reconstruction)
- The time-lines mentioned are approximate and actual progression depends on individual recovery.
- Patients can weight bear as tolerated from day 1. Please use crutches till good pain control, quadriceps strength and walking mechanics are achieved.
- A hinged knee brace is to be worn when weight bearing and walking for 4 weeks.
- Range of movement(ROM) allowed is 0-60 degrees for 2 weeks and 0-90 degrees only until 4 weeks postoperative period.
- Exercises focus on recruiting VMO (Vastus medialis obliqus) muscle and strengthening quadriceps, hip abductors and core strengthening.
- For the first 2 weeks – Apply icepacks 3-5 times daily for 10 minutes each time.
First 2 weeks
- Weight bearing and mobilise as tolerated.
- Start quadriceps sets, ankle pumps early on.
- ROM 0-60 degrees only.
2-4 weeks
- Progress with walking, functional exercises.
- Progress with single leg stance, balance, proprioception.
4-8 weeks
- Start no-resistance stationary bike.
- Functional exercises – focus on eccentric exercises.
- Pool exercises.
- Progress with ROM and step-ups.
- Remember all exercises are closed-chain and functional.
12 weeks +
- Start resistance training, work or sport specific training after 12 weeks only.