Dr Sunil Reddy has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of a range of knee conditions brought on by trauma. His practice provides consultation for patients suffering from both chronic and acute injuries, helping them find a path back to the sports and activities they enjoy. Whether you’ve been traumatically injured playing sports or have developed a stress injury over an extended training period, Dr Reddy may be able to assist you.
With more than 12 years of experience as a knee surgeon, Dr Reddy brings a breadth and depth of medical knowledge to every consultation, providing the support patients need to navigate their way to their optimal health outcome. If you’re suffering from knee pain or weakness, start a conversation with Dr Reddy and his staff to find out what options are open to you.
Providing support for a range of conditions
Dr Reddy can provide consultation and treatment for conditions of varying severity. He has extensive experience in the treatment of orthopaedic trauma, including peri-prosthetic fractures and complex upper and lower limb fractures and ligament injuries. Our patient list is diverse, encompassing sports people, sufferers of workplace injuries and injuries resulting from road accidents.
Dr Sunil Reddy conducts Rapid-access clinics twice a week – one at Hutt street Rooms and second at Calvary Central districts hospital. Patients suffering from fractures and acute knee and shoulder injuries can be seen within one to two days of calling, allowing them to get the urgent care they need from a qualified professional. Where required, surgery for these urgent cases can be scheduled within 24 to 48 hours. All patients, regardless of urgency, enjoy gap-free surgeries, putting help from an experienced orthopaedic surgeon within the reach of more people.
Discuss your needs with our staff
Dr Reddy provides a broad range of treatment options including knee arthroscopy, total knee replacements, ACL reconstructions and multi-ligament knee injury management helping patients suffering from knee conditions return to their preferred lifestyle.
Start a conversation with the team at Ready Orthopaedics Adelaide to find out how we can help you. All enquires and appointments should be directed to 08 8232 8899 or submitted via our contact form.
Learn more about Knee Trauma Procedures, including: