Dr Sunil Reddy and his team are committed to providing the highest quality of orthopaedic care to our patients. We strive to achieve this through expert and timely care with a strong patient-centric ethos.
Dr Sunil P Reddy
Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
Shoulder, Knee & Hip Surgeon:
- Joint Replacement surgery of Knee, Hip and Shoulder (Primary and Revision).
- Advanced arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery.
- Orthopaedic trauma.
Sarah Aikman
Practice Administrator
Sarah joined our team in October 2017. She comes from an Allied Health background and has completed a Bachelor of Applied Science at UniSA. Sarah has an excellent work ethic and great communication skills. Efficient patient liaison and smooth running of our Practice are her priorities. Hiking, netball, swimming, reading and travelling South Australia are some of Sarah’s favourite things to do.
Monica Harman
Practice Administrator
Monica joined our team in a part time role recently. She is currently completing a Nursing degree with Uni SA. She has excellent medical software skills and prior experience in medical administration, both of which continue to benefit our Practice. She ensures excellent patient service, always with a smile.
Other Specialists at East Adelaide Specialist Centre
East Adelaide Specialist Centre on Hutt street, Adelaide was founded by Dr Dinesh Trehan, General and Laparoscopic Surgeon and has evolved into a boutique specialist clinic with the motto “Professional excellence… compassionate care”.
My Practice - Ready Orthopaedics Adelaide and Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy - Anaesthesia SA share the Rooms at EASC with Dr Trehan.
To learn more, visit the EASC website.
Allied Health
Dr Sunil Reddy works closely with Physiotherapists to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients. He liaises with Physiotherapists at the Calvary central District hospital and Ashford hospitals for the physiotherapy needs of his post-operative patients and ensures ongoing care in the community on discharge.
The Joint Replacement Clinic (JRC) pathway of care for all Joint replacement patients ensures preoperative physiotherapist assessment, home visits by physiotherapy assistant and 8 physiotherapy visits postoperatively – all at no out of pocket expense to patients. The JRC pathway is available for all Knee replacement, hip replacement and shoulder replacement patients.We work with therapists in multiple suburbs of Adelaide – so there is someone closer to home for a hassle-free rehabilitation experience.