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Joint hypermobility syndrome – what is it?

Joint flexibility varies greatly between people, and anyone who does yoga or martial arts will know there are some people who are just naturally more flexible than others.

Research shows effectiveness of pedalling exercise routine after total knee replacement surgery

A recent research paper has concluded that pedalling regularly on a simple exercise bike may be a more effective rehabilitation protocol for patients who have undergone a total knee replacement than the conventional approach.

Reverse vs anatomic shoulder replacement

Shoulder replacement surgery may be recommended where either fractures in bones in the shoulder cannot be repaired or where degenerative arthritis has developed in the shoulder joint.

Patellar instability – problems with the kneecap

The word 'patella' is the medical term for the kneecap – patella in Latin literally means 'little pan'.

Shoulder arthritis in young people

The popular perception of arthritis is that it is a condition that only really affects the elderly.
